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The Official Launch of Points Pals!


We are excited to announce the official launch of Points Pals. Points Pals is a collaborative effort between two long time friends and travel enthusiasts, Jason and Ladi. Points Pals is our little corner of the world wide web where we will provide our thoughts on the latest topics of interest in the points and miles world along with our reviews of airlines, airport lounges, hotels and restaurants around the world based on our personal experiences.

A bit about us: Ladi is a road warrior regularly travelling around the world for business. In doing so, he racks up hundreds of thousands of points and miles each year along with airline and hotel elite status. Jason is a points and miles enthusiast who earns hundreds of thousands of miles each year through credit card bonuses and strategic spend. While Ladi can be found flying around the world on business, Jason is typically searching for the best points' redemptions to enjoy luxury travel at a fraction of the cost.

Whether you are a beginner or seasoned pro in collecting and using points and miles, or just an avid world traveller, we hope this space will provide with you with some useful information that will assist you with your travels.

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